Schedule Online
We use Mindbody software to manage all of our client appointments. With Mindbody, you can see our Specialist availability with your computer or smartphone (through the Mindbody Connect app, available for free download) and book yourself right in. You can even make payments at the same time to make things even more seamless when you come in for your appointments.
Or if you are more comfortable booking over the phone, just call us at 807.633.6683
Intake Form
In order to make the most of our time together, we ask that you complete our intake form and bring it with you to your initial consultation appointment (or you can email it back before that if you would like). The form may seem a little intense, but we have found that the more information we have about the various factors that impact muscle function, the better we can help you. If you don’t have the ability to download and print the form, just contact us and we will arrange a way to get you a hard copy to complete.